Why Are Fat Pockets So Difficult to Lose?

Why Are Fat Pockets So Difficult to Lose?

You sweat, you cut calories, you try intermittent fasting — no matter your efforts, stubborn pockets of fat refuse to take the hint and continue to cling to your body. To call fat stubborn is an understatement, and there are several reasons why certain pockets of fat can be difficult to lose.

To shed some light, the team here at Associates in Obstetrics & Gynecology wants to focus on the science of fat in this month’s blog post. Better still, we offer a great solution that can help you finally declare victory in the battle of the bulge.

Let’s take a look.

Targeting fat — mission impossible

We all have those pockets of fat that we’d like to get rid of — perhaps around your belly, or your hips, or your arms. When we set about tackling these targets, we quickly realize that spot reduction is an impossible pursuit.

Sure, there are ways to beef up the muscles in these areas through targeted exercises, but directing your body to lose fat in certain areas is something that’s beyond our reach.

The simple truth is that when you lose weight, the loss is largely bodywide. In other words, pretend that your body fat is like a cup of liquid — you can take a spoonful out to reduce the overall volume of liquid in the cup, but you can’t extract certain areas of the liquid.

Fighting biology

Another hurdle that you’re up against when it comes to eliminating certain areas of fat is that your body is under certain biological directives that are hard to override. For example, women tend to carry extra fat around their reproductive organs, which means the abdomen, flanks, hips, and buttocks. Men, on the other hand, tend to carry extra fat in their bellies alone.

When you embark on a weight-loss program, you’re up against these biological directives, which means that you may lose fat in areas where you don’t necessarily want the loss (your breasts, for example, if you’re a woman), while fat remains in those areas you’d like to slim down.

You can’t eliminate fat cells

As an adult, you generally carry the same number of fat cells in your body. When you gain or lose weight, these existing fat cells expand or shrink, respectively, but their number always stays the same.

There are other hurdles that may make losing fat difficult, such as age, loss of hormones, diets rich in processed foods, and lack of sleep. Whatever the factors, the good news is that we can overcome most of them through body sculpting.

Overcoming fat hurdles with SculpSureⓇ

With our SculpSure system, we can work around most fat challenges by targeting the problematic fat pockets directly. With this exciting technology, we deliver energy into your tissue that heats up and destroys fat cells, without harming the surface area of your skin.

In taking this direct approach, we can reduce the overall number of fat cells in your treatment areas by up to 24%, and we can target the areas you want to address.

To be sure, your fitness and weight-loss efforts still pay off, as they lay the groundwork for us to close the gap to your body-shape goals with SculpSure.

If you’d like to see for yourself how we can tackle stubborn fat pockets with SculpSure, contact our office in Colorado Springs, Colorado, to set up an appointment.

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